This week’s article discusses how owning a certain financial product can influence on an emotional level the confidence that retirees feel. Researchers interviewed “income annuity owners to provide insight into the emotional impact of guaranteed income. They found...
Grumps and Complainers
This week’s article out of London begins by telling us that in that city, known for “grumps and complainers”, a new study reveals that retirees with a guaranteed lifetime income stream can find true happiness.” This study related to Britain’s first-ever national...
What is your RISE Score?
Did you know that there is a Retirement Income Security Evaluation Score (RISE Score™) much like a credit score on a zero to 850 scale, but for your retirement. “The purpose is to provide you with an estimated measure of income security to help you determine whether...
Sometimes hindsight can provide a valuable lesson. While retirement is highly personal, I thought you might find it interesting to read the result of a study that looked back on what the financial preparations for retirement looked like. The study showed that among...
This week’s article tells us that “Annuities are one of the most efficient ways to generate guaranteed income. This is demonstrated through a series of three case studies which looked at combination strategies using both annuities and investments compared to...
Commentary: I read an interesting study the other day that I thought to share with you. The study discussed something that we may incorrectly assume will happen as we continue to plan for our retirement, and that relates to keeping in mind that if you plan to continue...
“Every retirement is different, each with its own financial plan and unique needs, but many of today’s retirement goals include achieving asset protection, growth opportunities, and a reliable income source. Fixed index annuities are a long-term retirement product...
I read a flyer the other day that caught my eye. It said “Losses can be recuperated but time cannot.” So true. What to do when losses have been incurred but you are later on in years can be a stressful situation to confront. We can help explain the role that a Fixed...
This week’s article poses a familiar scenario and then tells us our choices in a very simple way: “Let’s say you have built up a retirement fund of $250,000 by the time you are age 65. Few of us realize that we have to make that money last for perhaps 20 or 30 years...
This week’s article discusses three retirement savings factors relating to why it is different for women in retirement. While many of us may already have reflected on a female being projected to live longer than a male, we may not have noted that “women often face...
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